Meet Eve Beilovei
I feel passionate about helping people rediscover their hidden inner genius. I work with the hypothesis that our soul (psyche) leaves hints to our path and purpose, along with the markers of our trauma and impressions needed for healing throughout the treasure map of our bodies. Following these hints we can remember, deepen, and live our unique and respective journeys.

Beloved Healing
Transforming Trauma into Treasure
Why Beloved Healing?
Within you lies everything necessary for deep and profound healing, transformation, and growth.

You are so much more than the world is letting on. How do you find, recognize, and cultivate what you know to be truly you in a world trying to sell you on things that demean and demoralize you?
Learn to live in harmony with the exterior world through nurturing the most important relationship: The one between you and you.
Emotional Regulation
Retrain your brain to slow down and respond instead of simply reacting.
Alchemical Hermeneutics
In this setting both the research and the researcher are you. You will change, alchemize, and transform as you engage with the divine scribe of communication with your own being.
Find your Genius
Our greatest genius lies protected beneath our trauma and our shame. I view triggers as the body’s wisdom in managing overwhelming experiences from the past until you are sufficiently resourced internally and externally to address them one tiny piece at a time.
We work to incorporate ways to merge new discoveries, experiences, and knowledge into your very day life to support the fullness of your being to thrive.

Embodied Astrology
The influences of the stars and planets are always there in the background of our lives, impacting our behaviors, beliefs, and ways of operating in the world. We laid out for ourselves a unique path specifically tailored to facilitate soul growth. The challenges we desired to utilize to evolve were captured in the planetary positioning at our first breath. The placement of the planets and the stars in the heavens hold secrets, providing clues to the supportive elements we also set up to help us navigate through even the most challenging of circumstances with resource and support.

Trauma responses like fight, flight, freeze, tend, and befriend can become hardened into personality traits that interfere with goal attainment and thriving when situations that once required those brilliant survival adaptations are no longer present. Therapy helps identify and soften these hardened traits into agency, so you can move from impulsive reaction to conscious, constructive choice, and determine more diligently the outcomes of your life and the person you desire to be.

To schedule a free 30 minute consultation, fill out the form below.
Telehealth & in person at:
75 Manhattan Dr. Ste. 100
Boulder, CO 80303
(719) 362-0778